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Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions and How To Achieve Them
Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions and How To Achieve Them
Did you make a New Year’s Resolution? If you did, the chances are good that it was one from the list below. If you really do plan to stick to that resolution you will find some helpful tips here that might make this year the year that you stuck to those resolutions and followed them through…
Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions and How To Achieve Them
Lose Weight
Lose Weight
10 – Lose Weight
It’s pretty obvious that losing weight would be the most made resolution. The best way to go about achieving it is to not set your goal too high. Maybe plan to lose just 1 stone by the end of the year, that way you have 365 days to achieve just that.
Getting Organised
Getting Organised
9 – Getting Organised
One of the easiest ways to achieve getting organised is to make lists. Have too many things to list? Then why not tackle one this every week. They way you will find the time somewhen and you can make smaller changes that will organise your life a little better without you even noticing. Also, get a little notepad! Not a massive diary that you will soon forget about, but a little pocket book that you can take with you everywhere.
Spend Less, Save More
Spend Less, Save More
8 – Spend Less, Save More
One of the easiest ways to achieve this is to get yourself a penny bottle. Every time you get home put ALL the change into it and you will soon discover that you are saving and not spending all that change at the same time!
Enjoy Life to the Fullest
Enjoy Life to the Fullest
7 – Enjoy Life to the Fullest
Just because you said you want to ‘Enjoy Life to the Fullest’ doesn’t mean you have to throw yourself off a bridge attached to a piece of rubber! It could just mean that you always visit that place you always wanted to go, or maybe try some new foods from the local takeaway. Just try and do something that will make yourself smile every week and you will soon realise your life is slowly being filled with more and more happy memories.
Staying Fit and Healthy
Staying Fit and Healthy
6 – Staying Fit and Healthy
Most people will go at this resolution a hundred mile an hour. They will start to eat healthy, join the gym and go jogging every morning. But if you just made smaller changes it won’t be so much a shock to the body. Maybe try parking the car further away at the supermarket or even start playing Pokemon go!
Learn Something Exciting
Learn Something Exciting
5 – Learn Something Exciting
These days with the power of the internet it is pretty easy to learn something new. You don’t have to goto college or night study, just watch a few YouTube videos and maybe try something new like crafts or even how to do your own DIY.
Quit Smoking
Quit Smoking
4 – Quit Smoking
This is one of the hardest to do, but it is not impossible. The best tip I ever read was to save the money you were going to spend on cigarettes every week and buy yourself something new every week. I soon discovered how much they were costing me and I ended up getting some pretty nice things every week, within a few months I ended up with a whole new wardrobe! Which was handy because I gained weight pretty fast.
Help Others in Their Dreams
Help Others in Their Dreams
3 – Help Others in Their Dreams
This is something that most people will carry out, but don’t think it has to be something big. It could just be talking to people who need an ear.
Fall in Love
Fall in Love
2 – Fall in Love
Falling in love and meeting new people go hand in hand. If you are not already in love then you have not met the right person yet. So get out there and meet new people. Maybe join a club or start going to new pubs and bars.
Spend More Time With Family
Spend More Time With Family
1 – Spend More Time With Family
This one is easy. It doesn’t mean you have to be all over a family member doing everything with them. Maybe it just means you need to remember to send Christmas cards to EVERYONE, not just the people who have sent you one.

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