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Top 10 Cats Dancing At the New Years Eve Party
It’s the time to look back on the year and celebrate the beginning of a new one. Just a bit of advice, if you really want to impress everyone before the year ends why not hire one of these ten dancing cats for your New Years Eve party…
Top 10 Cats Dancing At the New Years Eve Party
Cat Dancing
Cat Dancing
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This seems to be kitties operatic dancing than anything else. Not a street dance move in sight.
Cat Dancing
Cat Dancing
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Forget dad dancing, kitty dancing is the way to go this year. Everyone is doing it! …Well, everyone with a cat anyway.
Cat Dancing
Cat Dancing
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Us humans can only wish to have moves like this. Maybe I did once in my youth, but these days if I shake anything I need a sleep soon afterwards!
Cat Dancing
Cat Dancing
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Now this is more like it! I bet street dancing on the kitchen floor while covered in fur will generate enough static to light the entire house up!
Cat Dancing
Cat Dancing
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The lord of the dance is here and he needs all the room he can get. Just be warned, he does meow rather loudly in the chorus sections.
Cats Dancing
Cats Dancing
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Some cats are a little more refined and will only dance when the slower, ballroom numbers are played. No Hip-Hop for these kitties.
Cats Dancing
Cats Dancing
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Looks like this kitty is more into his ‘interpretive’ style of dancing. What he is trying to interpret’ here is anyone’s guess.
Cats Dancing
Cats Dancing
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These two have been runners-up in the local street dancing competition twice now. Sadly once the judge comes on(who happens to be a dog) they run away.
Cat Dancing
Cat Dancing
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Dancing with your friend is bad enough, but having to dance with your owner is surely worse.
Cat Dancing
Cat Dancing
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This is the dance of happiness, I guess this kitty has had a very good year indeed. And on that note, I wish everyone a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!

