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Top 10 Different Types of Bloggers
Top 10 Different Types of Bloggers
Not every blogger is the same. There are small ones, big ones, some as big as your head! Jokes put aside by working out what style of blogger you are early on will help you to aim your blog in the right direction. This post doesn’t cover all types of a blogger because there are so many different types, but it does cover the main genres…
Top 10 Different Types of Bloggers
Business Bloggers
Business Bloggers
10 – Business Bloggers
This is the most common type of blogger, they are not in it for the glory or the money, they just want to grow their business and prove their infinite knowledge in their representative fields.
Diary Bloggers
Diary Bloggers
9 – Diary Bloggers
These types of bloggers will often use a blog as a sort of diary, to get their feelings and emotions down in text and to receive some sign that they are not alone in their life troubles. These are the types of bloggers most likely to blog hop and share other people’s posts on social media, so make friends with as many as you can.
Book / Writer Bloggers
Book / Writer Bloggers
8 – Book / Writer Bloggers
They are mostly blogs that are used to promote their books and to help develop story ideas. Most book writers will have at least started with a blog then gone onto to get published. The reason for this is blogs are a great place to hone anyone’s writing skills. It’s just a shame mine own skill haven’t grown as much.
Review Bloggers
Review Bloggers
7 – Review Bloggers
These people will review whatever they can get their hands on. From their own household products to things they get given for free. They are experts in finding the best in things, but they are heavily money driven and will do anything to save a few quid.
Food Bloggers
Food Bloggers
6 – Food Bloggers
They make amazing recipes and often post pictures that make you want to lick the screen. But the amount of work they have to do behind each post will never be truly appreciated by anyone, least alone their own readers.
Travel Bloggers
Travel Bloggers
5 – Travel Bloggers
These are the people that make others jealous. They often tour around the world taking amazing pictures of the things they see and the food they eat. It’s a millionaires style of life and for most bloggers it would be a dream come true to become one. But if you have kids like I do, this is not going to be an option until they are at least 30 years old.
Beauty Bloggers
Beauty Bloggers
4 – Beauty Bloggers
Often seen trending all over YouTube this type of blogger could make anyone look amazing. They have been using makeup since the age of 3 and their whole aim in life is to make the world a more beautiful place. But it’s a tough market to get into and you will often find beauty bloggers will work harder than most other types to get noticed.
Family Bloggers
Family Bloggers
3 – Family Bloggers
These types of bloggers are writing not because they want to, they blog because they will go insane if they don’t vent their problems into blog form. They are often the funniest and most heartfelt of blogs and ones that are always worth reading. If you are looking for someone with real problems and a real life, these are the types of blogger you should subscribe to.
List Blogger
List Blogger
2 – List Blogger
I fall nicely into this category. This type of blogger likes things organised. They are the sorters and collectors of the blog world and will try and rate just about anything. Most of us just want to make people smile, but secretly we are just doing it for our own sanity due to living in a very unorganised world.
Niche Bloggers
Niche Bloggers
1 – Niche Bloggers
These types of people are the committed types. They choose a path to walk down and nothing will change their minds. Maybe they are local bloggers who only type about local news and events, or they are a campaign they are on and will stop at nothing to get it noticed. These people will often go unnoticed in the early days, but sticking to it they are the ones that will have the most dedicated of fans.

