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Top 10 Cats About to Learn Valuable Lessons
Top 10 Cats About to Learn Valuable Lessons
The saying goes that cats have 9 lives, but there is also another saying that tells us curiosity killed the cat. These ten cats you are about to see are going to lose at least one of those 9 lives thanks to their insane curiosity…
Top 10 Cats About to Learn Valuable Lessons
Cat Trying to Eat Cactus
Cat Trying to Eat Cactus
10 – Original Source: >> Discover More <<
We all love some late night nibbles, but this cat is the one about to be nibbled!
Cat Kissing Snake
Cat Kissing Snake
9 – Original Source: >> Discover More <<
Snake charming is not a skill most cats have, let’s hope this one does.
Cat Licking Meat Grinder
Cat Licking Meat Grinder
8 – Original Source: >> Discover More <<
This cat can’t wait for his dinner, but he might end up becoming it!
Cat Sniffing Water Sprinkler
Cat Sniffing Water Sprinkler
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This kitty is about to develop a lifetime fear of a garden water sprinkler in 3…2…1.
Cat About to Attack Eagle
Cat About to Attack Eagle
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This cat is about to learn that not all birds are open to attack.
Cat Balanced On Edge
Cat Balanced On Edge
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The good news is, this kitty didn’t fall off, but it looked close for a while.
Cat Sleeping In Sauce Pan
Cat Sleeping In Sauce Pan
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This poor kitty is about to learn the difference between a saucepan and a hot-tub!
Cat Biting an Arrow
Cat Biting an Arrow
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This kitten will soon learn that not every kind of feather can be played with or nibbled on.
Cat About to Attack Hedgehog
Cat About to Attack Hedgehog
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The lesson about learning which things you can and can’t bop on the head is about to begin…the hard way.
Cat About to Bite Through String
Cat About to Bite Through String
1 – Original Source: >> Discover More <<
This kitty is going all Sir Isaac Newton and about to learn all about the troubles with gravity.

