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Listverse Launches YouTube Channel

I am very excited to announce the launch of our first ever YouTube Channel. Our social media manager, editor, and longtime writer Andrew Handley is in charge of the video content creation and maintenance, and he is doing an amazing job. Every Thursday, we will be uploading a new video based on our best-performing and most well-loved lists, as well as Video Factoids.
Here are the first of our videos for you to enjoy right here, and don’t forget to subscribe to the Listverse YouTube Channel so you can see our weekly updates.

610 Creepy Facts About Historic Burials

510 Mysterious Underwater Anomalies

410 Unsolved Cases That Involve Mysterious Phone Calls

310 Haunted Tunnels With Really Creepy Backstories

2Factoid: The Creepiest Medical Case Ever

1Factoid: The Love That Couldn’t Die

Jamie is the founder of Listverse. He spends his time working on the site, doing research for new lists, and dabbling in perfumery. He is fascinated with all things historic, creepy, and bizarre.
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