Today we are taking a look at a country that is quite wealthy, has only 5.6 million citizens and is one of the smallest countries set within the Scandinavian region. I am talking about Denmark and here are the very best things to see and do if you are planning a visit…
Top 10 Weird And Unusual Tourist Attractions In Denmark

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Those crazy Viking horn blowing Danes have so much money they are currently in the process of making these massive horns that will generate both sound (if needed) and wind power!

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Ever wondered what it would be like to climb a rainbow and look down on the world below? No, me neither, but you can do just that is inside this amazing tower.

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Here is some odd math for you. This was once originally Denmark’s tallest tree standing tall at 52 metres, but when a storm blew it down they decided to stand it back up and make it a 44-metre climbing pole!

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Not only one of the largest public Evangelical Lutheran churches in the world, but also stunning architecture that is well worth seeing.

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You have probably seen this image a million times and like me, you probably didn’t know it was located in the Faroe Islands which is part of the Kingdom of Denmark.

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This is no ordinary fun park, this is the worlds oldest fun park and it has been open since the 1500s! Disney who?!?

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Why dip your toes in the sea when you can go to Skagen and dip them in two seas crashing together!?

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This work of art is a celebration of the multicultural people who live and work in and around København

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If you have ever wanted to sleep inside a giant beer can, you can once a year when the Smukfest festival is on! Now that is worth travelling to Denmark for.

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If Denmark was close to Easter Island, this is probably what they might have made. But these giant, sea facing statues (each one over 27ft tall) are the work of artist Svend Wiig Hansen. So why not visit these men who watched over you as you crossed the sea to get to Denmark as a sign of respect.