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Top 10 Very Patient Cats Waiting in Queues
Top 10 Very Patient Cats Waiting in Queues
As kittens, cats are rush, rush, rush. They run about all over the place then sleep for a few hours only to wake up and start rushing about again. So it’s no wonder cats in later life are in no rush at all. In fact, they are so patient, they will wait in queues for hours on end, without knowing what the queue is for…

Top 10 Very Patient Cats Waiting in Queues

Cats Waiting in a Queue
Cats Waiting in a Queue
10 – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
The queue to get inside in the mornings is getting worse! This is the equivalent of morning rush hour for cats.
Cats Waiting in a Queue
Cats Waiting in a Queue
9 – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
The unusual dinner line queue and by the time I get to the order section they have run out of pretty much everything.
Cats Waiting in a Queue
Cats Waiting in a Queue
8 – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
It seems that when you are a cat you even have to queue for sunshine! But then again that is a queue worth getting into.
Cats Waiting in a Queue
Cats Waiting in a Queue
7 – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
This is the queue for TV show additions. Seems back cats everywhere will queue for hours for the right part. (Or maybe their owners will anyway).
Cats Waiting in a Queue
Cats Waiting in a Queue
6 – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
This is the queue to go to toilet on the new flower patch at the end of the garden. It draws big crowds of cats that queue for hours to do it (much to the hate of the gardens owner).
Cats Waiting in a Queue
Cats Waiting in a Queue
5 – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
It’s kitty rush hour and the queue to get into the neighbours garden shortcut is bad this morning. Must have been a bump somewhere.
Cats Waiting in a Queue
Cats Waiting in a Queue
4 – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
The queue for the milk bar on a Saturday night is always terrible. If only they knew how to share, there would be no queue at all.
Cats Waiting in a Queue
Cats Waiting in a Queue
3 – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
All of these cats don’t know what they are queueing for, they just hope it is worth the wait. Even the cat upfront feels the same!
Cats Waiting in a Queue
Cats Waiting in a Queue
2 – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
The queue waiting for the shops to open is one that us humans have bene doing for years, but cats are only starting to catch on to the joy of doing this.
Cats Waiting in a Queue
Cats Waiting in a Queue
1 – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
The slightest bit of snow and suddenly there are tailbacks just about everywhere, even in the cat world!

