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Top 10 Things to Check Before You Publish a Blog Post
Top 10 Things to Check Before You Publish a Blog Post
So you have knocked up a killer post and think it is as close to perfect as you can make it. But why not hold off hitting that publish button and check that you have these ten things covered and correct…
Top 10 Things to Check Before You Publish a Blog Post
10 – Publisher
Why not ask yourself where it will be published and what social media channels it will appear on before you publish. Making sure you know where it will appear and how, means it will look it’s best no matter where it is.
Spell and Grammar Check
Spell and Grammar Check
9 – Spell and Grammar Check
While I will never win any grammar awards, I do check over each blog post before it’s published to try and minimise as many mistakes as possible.
8 – Layout
That “Preview Post” option is there for a reason. While it might look fine in the editor, when it is published all sorts can happen to it, from ads to picture alignment being wrong.
The Final Read Through
The Final Read Through
7 – The Final Read Through
It’s always worth reading your post through one last time in Preview mode. Sometimes a funny placed sentence can end on a word you would rather it didn’t.
SEO Check List
SEO Check List
6 – SEO Check List
SEO is the bane of a bloggers life, but do try and make sure that each post has a suitable blog title and meta description. It’s also worth making sure all the images have Alt Titles as well.
Mobile Friendly
Mobile Friendly
5 – Mobile Friendly
There is a reason there is a mobile test size within WordPress. Making sure your post looks just as good on a mobile as well as a desktop or tablet is a great way to earn even more readers.
Internal Links
Internal Links
4 – Internal Links
Most people forget to internal link which means making sure there is at least one link to another blog post in every post yu write (if possible) this gains more readers and also really helps with SEO.
Ad Locations
Ad Locations
3 – Ad Locations
Loads of us have automatic ad placement, so making sure you know where those banner ads are going to appear will help to break a text heavy post up into manageable sections.
Picture Placement
Picture Placement
2 – Picture Placement
Make sure those images are where they need to be. It’s no good talking about your cat doing something silly that you caught on camera without the image there for them to read the story behind it.
Categories, Tags and Authors
Categories, Tags and Authors
1 – Categories, Tags and Authors
Make Sure Those Images Are Where They Need to Be. It’s No Good Talking About Your Cat Doing Something Silly That You Caught on Camera Without the Image There for Them to Read the Story Behind It.

