OK, so these scary Halloween gadgets won’t arrive until after Halloween, but they are worth ordering for next year. And besides, they are just fun gadgets to have and play with…
Top 10 Scary and Silly Halloween Gadgets

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Sure, not many people are going to see it at home but take it to work and use in the office, it sure makes a spooky talking point.

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Bubbles might be fun, but not on Haloween night. Fog filled bubbles on the other hand can often look like floating eyeballs!

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Most normal smartphone covers are boring, so why not get one that is themed to that Halloween party you are going to, because let’s face it, it will be out in public at some point of the night, even if it is for selfies.

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There are many variations of Jenga out there, but none that is better suited to a Halloween party game than this one.

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This simple little box allows you to plug in a lamp or two and create a sort of flickering, lightning strike effect. As a bonus, you also get a CR of super scary sound effects to play through the stereo.

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This is more for the little ones, but used in the right place it could create a spooky atmosphere.

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It is always a good idea to save some money for those…unfortunate events. This skeleton will help you grind your money saving down a little.

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Maybe I am just easily pleased, but a pumpkin shaped cake would please me greatly.

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It’s not all that scary, but it might help give your work desk a spooky theme.

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It doesn’t matter what liquid you put into them, these scary glasses are sure to amuse your Halloween party guests.