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Top 10 Reasons behind Rape, Teasing and Sexual Violence in India

Women are not weak, but those who think women to be weak are the actual losers. According to statistics every 20 minutes a girl is raped in India. The basic assumption behind the Rapes in India is the way modern women dresses and the way they look. But does that stop from a man raping a three year girl? Will wearing Sari and covered clothes stop man from assaulting and harassing the women? It is not about what women wears and does, it is about the dirty mentality and male ego that wants to control the Women and her life. No reason in the world could justify the crime of raping and molesting the women, but there are few reasons that provoke man to rape. Here we have compiled a list with few reasons that are the reasons behind increasing number of rapes in India.

10 Blaming the Western Culture

Blaming the Western Culture
Image Source: NA
Every time Indian Women suffers a case of molestation, it is tendency of people to point the influence of western culture for the heinous act. Most of the time Indian politicians are caught saying that the reason behind the crime is the Dressing, the western culture, the movies etc. have destroyed the core Indian values. Instead of blaming the culprit and punishing him, our people are more of interested in making a women realize her mistakes. If modern dressing and thinking is the major culprit, then why not ask a female politician wear a short dress and roam freely at night and see who dares to even touch her.

9 Backward Mentality

Backward Mentality
Image Source: direitoshumanos
The obsolete thinking of Indian population has been a reason for the increasing number of rapes in India. In India, boys are preferred over girls. The cultural upbringing of men in our society teaches them that they are superior to girls. It is the cruel tradition in India which have constructed men as aggressive and women as Submissive. This has led men to believe that they own women and they are superior to them, which gives them a sense of control. People’s mentality of losing their respect as a result of filing the report in police gives these culprits more strength to commit crimes.

8 Cowardliness of People

Cowardliness of People
Image Source: openideo
In India only 10 percent of total rape cases are reported and out of these only 24 percent see convictions. When women are harasses in public places, the bystanders look other way rather than helping the deceased. Indians are to coward to help or report against such crime. They feel insecure about their so called respect and what people will think and speak of them. For Indians there so called esteem is more important then the justice to the survivor of the crime. At times when people even dare to report the witnesses forbids speaking the truth. Most of the women do not even tell the peers about what they had gone through, due to the useless and insensible social structure that leaves the victim as “Unacceptable” by the society.

7 Submissiveness of Women

Submissiveness of Women
Image Source: mrsbusari
Indian culture teaches a girl in her tender age to compromise and not compete with men. Be it for the sake of her brother, father, family or her future husband. She is always told that men are always right. This leaves an everlasting impression on the women that make them submissive. Women are not able to fight back and accept the misdeed as the dark part of their life. Women are often threatened of being raped again and exposed in public. Indian women have since long being accepting the domestic violence which at times leads to the sexual violence.

6 Male Dominated Society

Male Dominated Society
Image Source: blogspot
Widespread male domination over women is one of the biggest reasons behind rape, teasing and sexual violence in India. According to Indian mythology, women are the one who should stay at home and look over the work related to home. They are not allowed to go out and work. Men are known as “Karta (Master)” the one who earns and owns the family. Males are the head of the family and are responsible for decision making. All this has led to a low status of women in our society. Rapes are the symptom of deep seated patriarchal and gender discrimination in our society which has a serious distorting effect on men’s attitude and behavior towards women.

5 Blaming and Pressurizing the Victim

Blaming and Pressurizing the Victim
Image Source: 15min
In India, people mostly blame the victim instead of the culprit. Women are asked to marry the culprit or attacker so as to maintain peace in the family and the clan. 90 percent of the rapes in India do not even get reported due to the pressure from the family who in order to maintain their respect and esteem pressurize women to compromise. Blaming and pressurizing the women instead of the offender gives the criminal more vigor to continue his acts of shamefulness.

4 Lack of Police Force

Lack of Police Force 1
Image Source: jansarokaar
Failure to provide security to the women has been a serious concern since long. There is lack of police force to safeguard the interests of general public. Also our police forces have less number of female police officers that makes it almost impossible for victim to explain her issues. Women could not feel safe outside their homes, be it a public place or any private place. Most of the time Indian police even lack the basic training and equipment required to investigate the case and gather evidences.

3 Illiteracy and Lack of Values

Illiteracy and Lack of Values
Image Source: hillpost
Education is an important tool through which people could be made aware of what is right and what is wrong. Education helps one in shaping his identity and personality. What one sees around in the childhood is what moulds him as a better person. Therefore, family values and respect to women should be taught since the early age to man. Parents must pay extra attention in the upbringing of their son rather than asking a girl to stay at home. Unemployment and poverty in a family also results of increase in the violence and shapes the mindsets of young boys as superior and makes them feel more masculine and powerful over women.

2 Rotten Judiciary and Police System

Rotten Judiciary and Police System
Image Source: thehindu
No Terror of Police and Conviction-lack of fear of punishment is one of the most important reasons behind the increasing number of rapes and harassments. Today, men have no fear of conviction and punishment due to the sluggish nature of our judiciary system. Most of the times as the case reach its conviction the victim and witnesses either die or get tired of the slow and incapable judiciary system. There is no proper law and punishment for the rapists in our country. For instance, a minor rapist is not subject to punishment under Indian law. Also there is no law for the marital rapes.

1 Lack of Respect for Woman

Lack of Respect for Woman
Image Source: channel4
The biggest issue perhaps is the overall low status and lack of respect for women. India has one of the lowest sex ratio in terms of girls. Boys are considered over girls and female infanticide is most common practice to get rid of girls in India. Girls are considered as burden and are not allowed to get education. Women need nothing more but the safety that arises through mutually respectful relation between Men and Women. All measures to prevent rapes would be useful only if men start thinking high of women and makes efforts to protect a women’s self esteem.

