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Top 10 Green Pawed Dogs Doing a Spot of Gardening
While most dogs only go in the garden to relieve themselves or dig up the bone they buried, some dogs will go that extra mile and do a spot of gardening. Why? Because to a dog, a nice garden is a nice place to go to the toilet. So let’s pop on some dog-friendly marigolds and do a spot of weeding for them…

Top 10 Green Pawed Dogs Doing a Spot of Gardening

Dog Doing Some Gardening
Dog Doing Some Gardening
10 – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
This dog is up early and ready to dig up just about anything he is allowed. He brought a trowel to make it look like he wasn’t going to simply use his paws to dig things up, but he will.
Dog Doing Some Gardening
Dog Doing Some Gardening
9 – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
This dog makes sure all the plants are properly hydrated and will even mow the grass for an extra dog treat!
Dog Doing Some Gardening
Dog Doing Some Gardening
8 – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
A beautiful dog needs a beautiful garden to play in so this dog is taking gardening matters into his own paws.
Dog Doing Some Gardening
Dog Doing Some Gardening
7 – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
He is only a trainee in a small gardening firm at the moment, but he has plans to work his way up to chief digger within a year.
Dog Doing Some Gardening
Dog Doing Some Gardening
6 – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
This dog looks shocked because he has come back from the shed to find the cat asleep on his Dicentra spectabilis! Sounds painful to me.
Dog Doing Some Gardening
Dog Doing Some Gardening
5 – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
This dog really knows his plants from his weeds and can tell you how to grow just about anything. For a few strips of bacon anyway.
Dog Doing Some Gardening
Dog Doing Some Gardening
4 – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
This dog clearly doesn’t really know what he is doing, but at least he is giving it a go. Lord knows where all that water is going.
Dog Doing Some Gardening
Dog Doing Some Gardening
3 – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
This dog has retired from active life and is enjoying some time in his allotment. He is trying to grow money so he can go on a dog-friendly cruise.
Dog Doing Some Gardening
Dog Doing Some Gardening
2 – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
He might only have one pot plant to look after, but he does water it every day and really loves it. What his owner doesn’t know is there is a bone in the bottom of the plant and he is hoping to grow more of them.
Dogs Doing Some Gardening
Dogs Doing Some Gardening
1 – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
It’s not just one dog you get with this landscaping crew, you get a whole pack of them. That might sound like a good deal, but they do insist you throw the ball for them at lunch time.

