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Top 10 Empire Defeating Dogs Dressed as Starwars Characters
Top 10 Empire Defeating Dogs Dressed as Starwars Characters
Did you forgot a costume for this years Halloween party and stuck on a Starwars mask just for something wear? Well, shame on you. If these ten dogs made such an effort why can’t you…
Top 10 Empire Defeating Dogs Dressed as Starwars Characters
Dog Dressed as R2-D2
Dog Dressed as R2-D2
10 – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
If you are looking for the droid who tour up the letters that come through the letter box…this might well be the one you are looking for.
Dog Dressed as Darth Sidious
Dog Dressed as Darth Sidious
9 – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
This dog keeps on asking me to join the dark side. I said I would think about it and he bit me!
Dog Dressed as Chewbacca
Dog Dressed as Chewbacca
8 – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
Let’s face it, this dog needs almost no costume at all! His fur is the costume and a damn good one at that.
Dog Dressed as Wedge Antilles: X-Wing Pilot
Dog Dressed as Wedge Antilles: X-Wing Pilot
7 – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
This pooch didn’t want to go as the a-list characters so went for the young rebel pilot bit part actor.
Dog Dressed as Yoda
Dog Dressed as Yoda
6 – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
Small in size yes, but big in power and wisdom. That is what he tells me anyway.
Dog Dressed as Obi-Wan Kenobi
Dog Dressed as Obi-Wan Kenobi
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The legendary Jedi Master himself can not only make the sounds of a dog, he can also make you smooth his belly just by rolling over!
Dog Dressed as Darth Vader
Dog Dressed as Darth Vader
4 – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
He does walk on the dark side of the dog park, but he definitely isn’t Lukes father. Maybe he is his pet!
Dog Dressed as a Tusken Raider Bantha
Dog Dressed as a Tusken Raider Bantha
3 – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
This beast of war is not going to carry all your luggage. In fact, he is still pretty tired after just getting dressed up!
Dog Dressed as an Ewok
Dog Dressed as an Ewok
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In the forest moon of Endor, there isn’t a single tree that hasn’t been peed on.
Dog Dressed as a Stormtrooper
Dog Dressed as a Stormtrooper
1 – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
He might be the shortest of the ground force of the Galactic Empire, but he will nip just about anyone.

