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Top 10 Cats That Dance Like Michael Jackson
Top 10 Cats That Dance Like Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson was famous for a lot of different things, one of the most well know is of course, his dance moves. Well, look on, because these ten cats have nailed MJ’s moves down to a tea and have been caught on camera busting some serious shapes…

Top 10 Cats That Dance Like Michael Jackson

Cat Dancing Like Michael Jackson
Cat Dancing Like Michael Jackson
10 – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
Cause this is thriller, thriller at night! Or maybe just some welltimed photos of some silly cats.
Cat Dancing Like Michael Jackson
Cat Dancing Like Michael Jackson
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These cats might not be wearing any MJ approved costumes, but they are all channelling the spirit of the man himself.
Cat Dancing Like Michael Jackson
Cat Dancing Like Michael Jackson
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While none of these cats was trained by Michael, they have all watched his videos over and over again.
Cat Dancing Like Michael Jackson
Cat Dancing Like Michael Jackson
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Sure these cats have the moves, but don’t ask any of them to sing, your ears will instantly regret it.
Cat Dancing Like Michael Jackson
Cat Dancing Like Michael Jackson
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This kitten has been practising the Thriller dance in his cat box for months now, so today is his first public display. All change is gratefully received.
Cat Dancing Like Michael Jackson
Cat Dancing Like Michael Jackson
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All you have to do is aim a spotlight at this kitty and he goes into full Jacko mode. He can even click his claws together!
Cat Dancing Like Michael Jackson
Cat Dancing Like Michael Jackson
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Over in the cat pen, it’s Thriller night and the cats are dancing in unison like a well choreographed MJ video.
Cat Dancing Like Michael Jackson
Cat Dancing Like Michael Jackson
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All these kitty needs is the beat and he can bust shapes that MJ could only dream about.
Cat Dancing Like Michael Jackson
Cat Dancing Like Michael Jackson
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I can almost hear this cat do the classic Jacko cry…HOOOO!!! As he reaches down to grab his furry kitty groin.
Cat Dancing Like Michael Jackson
Cat Dancing Like Michael Jackson
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There is no other cats that have the moves like this puss has. He can dance battle like the best of them.

