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Top 10 Best Tips For Growing a Facebook Page
Top 10 Best Tips For Growing a Facebook Page
Growing a fan page on Facebook these days is harder than pulling teeth. But by using these ten social media tips you can succeed and grow your page, while many others will fail. All you have to do is follow them…
Top 10 Best Tips For Growing a Facebook Page
10 – Images
Make sure you post lots of images. While posting articles and text-based posts are OK, a picture can speak a thousand words as they say, so make sure they say a lot for you.
Pinned Post
Pinned Post
9 – Pinned Post
Most people don’t pin a post to the top of their pages, but that is the best place for an affiliate advert or maybe a post showing your main menu items. Use this pinned post to show people the things they might well be looking for.
8 – Notifications
Make sure people click that “All Posts” notification button. This will keep them in the loop and it makes sure people see most if not all of the post you are posting.
Cover and Profile Photo
Cover and Profile Photo
7 – Cover and Profile Photo
Never underestimate the power of a good profile image. What does do they really say about the page / business you are trying to promote. Make sure both are pleasing on the eye and if you have any, that the information in them is easily readable on both desktop and mobile.
The CTA Button
The CTA Button
6 – The CTA Button
Do you have that “Call To Action” set-up? If not make sure it goes to the site you need to promote, or maybe to the “Contact Us” page so people can easily get in touch with you.
App Tabs
App Tabs
5 – App Tabs
From Blog Email sign-ups to Twitter and Pinterest pages. Most people don’t realise you can do amazing things with those App Tabs, so use them wisely.
4 – Boosting
While not an option for most of us, it can be done for as little as £1 per post. Just give one or two a boost every week. It will keep you on people’s news feeds and inside people thoughts.
About Me
About Me
3 – About Me
Most people simply forget to fill in that “About Me” tab, but it is often the first thing people will read on your page.
Share In To Gets Shares Out
Share in to Gets Shares Out
2 – Share In To Gets Shares Out
While it is your page, by sharing a few posts from other people they will see that you are not selfish and will interact a lot more with you.
Timing and Frequency
Timing and Frequency
1 – Timing and Frequency
Posting at the right times and getting the right amount of posts per day / week is essential in growing your page. If people know exactly when you post they will soon be looking out for it.

