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Top 10 Best Tips For Growing a Blog Twitter Account
Top 10 Best Tips For Growing a Blog Twitter Account
These ten tips for growing a Twitter account are not some pointless, generic tips that most small businesses try and follow, no. These ten tips are for us bloggers. While the tips will work for other types of Twitter account they are best used by blog owners…
Top 10 Best Tips For Growing a Blog Twitter Account
Cover & Bio
Cover & Bio
10 – Cover & Bio
While it is not seen as much as a Facebook cover, it is always best to have a good Bio and Twitter cover. Making sure the Bio tells people what you need them to know and the Twitter Cover is eye catching.
9 – Retweeting
One of the biggest reasons people don’t get retweeted is because they are not engaging with others. If you see something that makes you smile give it a RT!
Follow Influencers
Follow Influencers
8 – Follow Influencers
Why not follow every blog hero or blog account that you have ever read a post of? By following and engaging with the big players you will soon get noticed.
7 – Images
Make sure you use lots of images in your posts. The world of the Twitter time stream is a fast-moving one and text post often go unnoticed.
6 – Links
Make sure you have a link to your Twitter account from the blog (and maybe a Twitter widget showing your time stream) and a link on your Twitter account going to your blog. After all, its no good growing a Twitter account if they can’t easily find a link to the blog you are trying to grow.
Pinned Post
Pinned Post
5 – Pinned Post
This is something you should be really careful with. Maybe pin your most popular post or one that is really helpful for people. Make sure that pinned post adds real value to whoever sees it.
4 – Chat!
One Tweet a day is simply not going to cut it. Why not put by just 30 mins a day R/T and @’ing people. This shows you are active and engaging to anyone who follows you. Even if you are not online when they follow you, at least you can see that they have been around.
3 – Unfollows
Using an unfollow program is a great way of getting rid of dead wood. After all, if someone isn’t following you they can’t see your Tweets, so they simply aren’t interested in what you have to say or post. But ALWAYS give people time to follow back. 1-2 weeks is the best amount.
Auto DM
Auto DM
2 – Auto DM
Why not set up an automated message telling people that you thank them for following you and that you have a blog (with a handy blog link). While many people hate these Auto DM’s they have been proven to work time and time again. Sure some people do hate them, but written correctly people won’t even know it’s automated.
1 – Hashtags
When it comes to Twitter, never underestimate how powerful the right Hashtags can be. If you are a blogger make sure you use at least 1 hashtag every single post. But the best amount is no more than 3.

