I started to look up about the history of the Christmas tree today and amongst all the historical info I found I also found some pretty interesting facts about Christmas trees that might make you smile, or at the very least the funny pictures will…
Top 10 Amazing Facts About Christmas Trees You Need to Know

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Did You Know: The first evergreen trees that were used to celebrate the winter season occurred several hundred years before Christ!

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Did You Know: Fir trees are sadly quite a week species of plant and only about 50% of all trees planted will survive until it is time to cut it down.

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Did You Know: Before electricity was invented people used to hang small candles from their festive trees. I bet that caused a few nasty house fires.

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Did You Know: Placing a real Christmas tree in your house can remove up to a whopping 70% of all dust and pollen from the air! Only in the small part of the room it is located in, but still very impressive.

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Did You Know: Getting a real Christmas tree is good for the environment! OK, so it would be better left in the ground, but for every single acre of planted Christmas trees they produce the daily oxygen requirements of 18 people!

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Did You Know: Sadly less than 20% of homes will have a real Christmas tree. But only 48% had a fake one, which leaves a whole lot of people without any tree at all!

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Did You Know: It wasn’t quite the man himself, but it was Thomas Edison’s assistant, Edward Johnson who came up with the idea of electric lights for Christmas trees in 1882.

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Did You Know: In the wild, the average Christmas tree contains a massive 30,000 bugs, insects and visiting bird species!

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Did You Know: When it comes to growing trees on farms and other manufacturing places it is not as easy as you might think, because not only do 2/3 trees die, but the remaining trees can take between 4 years and 15 years to grow to the right height for being sold (6 – 7 feet).

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Did You Know: The very first fully decorated Christmas tree (that was written about in text anyway) was in Riga, Latvia in 1510.