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Top 10 Amazing And Unusual Tourist Attractions In Hungary
Hungary might be landlocked, but it still contains amazing water features as well as some of the most amazing architectural landmarks you will ever see. Join me as we go on a tour of this Roman-influenced Country…
Top 10 Amazing And Unusual Tourist Attractions In Hungary
Timewheel, Budapest
Timewheel, Budapest
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Said to be one of the world’s largest hourglass it is so bit it only gets reset every year! Now that is a lot of sand.
Bokod Floating Houses, Oroszlány
Bokod Floating Houses, Oroszlány
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This is, in fact, a whole village built on top of a lake. What is also amazing about it is that it never freezes over even if all other lakes around it do.
Flipper Muzeum, Budapest
Flipper Muzeum, Budapest
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Museums are normally interesting, but not a lot of fun. This one has both because it is a museum of pinball tables featuring some of the rarest in the world.
Columbo Statue, Budapest
Columbo Statue, Budapest
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Why is there a statue of Peter Falk in the middle of Hungary? Because apparently, he had deep Hungarian roots. Just one more thing indeed.
Lakihegy Radio Tower, Szigetszentmiklós
Lakihegy Radio Tower, Szigetszentmiklós
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Visiting a radio tower is not for everyone, but if it helps it is the World’s tallest cigar-shaped one.
Vajdahunyad Castle, Budapest
Vajdahunyad Castle, Budapest
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Once upon a time this entire castle was made from nothing but cardboard and wood! Luckily it has since been given a stunning stone makeover.
Shoes on the Danube Promenade, Budapest
Shoes on the Danube Promenade, Budapest
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This unusual monument is dedicated to the thousands executed along this riverbank during WWII. A fitting reminder of bad times, never to be repeated.
Kelenföld Power Station, Budapest
Kelenföld Power Station, Budapest
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It might not be to most peoples tastes, but there are tours around this oddly beautiful disused power station.
Budapest Cave Church, Budapest
Budapest Cave Church, Budapest
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While it is now more of a tourist shrine run by monks, this cave was once home to a hermetic monk who lived here in secrecy.
The Hungarian Geological Institute Building, Budapest
The Hungarian Geological Institute Building, Budapest
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If the stunning art nouveau roof of this building doesn’t get your attention, not a lot will.

